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Assignment: Amy Finkelstein on Selection and Screening of Mammograms

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This assignment is based on the Economists in the Wild episode on research about who gets mammograms at the recommended age of 40 and how they differ from those who do not.


Getting Started

In this episode, coauthors Amy Finkelstein, Abigail Ostriker, and Tamar Oostrom introduce us to their research about who responds to the recommendation to get screened for breast cancer at age 40 and why it matters.

By watching the video and answering the questions below, your students can see how economists can work with biologists to design better policies for cancer screening!

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Professor Joseph Stenard's picture

This is great. Especially appreciate both
1) the variety of contributors in the well-produced video, and
2) the link to the research paper itself.
Thank you!

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