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OpenStax Macroeconomics Textbook Video-Mapped Syllabus

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OpenStax, a nonprofit at Rice University, offers high quality open license textbooks. Among the many topics they’ve covered, they’ve created a Principles of Macroeconomics textbook, now in its second edition.

Here we've mapped videos from Marginal Revolution University's Principles of Micro, Principles of Macro, and Everyday Economics courses to the chapters of this textbook. You can show them in class or assign them for homework — don't forget they all come with practice questions!

In parentheses of chapter titles, we’ve included the corresponding chapter numbers of OpenStax’s Micro/Macro combination text, Principles of Economics (second edition) (left blank when the chapter number is the same).

You can view the video mapping as a Google Doc


Chapter 1: Welcome to Economics


Introduction to Economics


Chapter 3: Demand and Supply


The Demand Curve

The Supply Curve

The Equilibrium Price and Quantity

A Deeper Look at the Demand Curve

The Demand Curve Shifts

A Deeper Look at the Supply Curve

The Supply Curve Shifts

Supply and Demand Terminology

Price Ceilings

Price Ceilings: Shortages and Quality Reduction

SUPPLEMENTAL: Rent Control in Mumbai


Chapter 4: Labor and Financial Markets


SUPPLEMENTAL: The Economics of Choosing the Right Career


Chapter 5: Elasticity


Elasticity of Demand

Calculating the Elasticity of Demand

Elasticity of Supply

Elasticity and Slave Redemption

SUPPLEMENTAL: Office Hours: Elasticity of Demand


Chapter 6: The Macroeconomic Perspective (PE CH. 19)


What Is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Nominal vs. Real GDP

Real GDP Per Capita and the Standard of Living

Splitting GDP


Chapter 7: Economic Growth (PE CH. 20)


Basic Facts of Wealth

Growth Rates Are Crucial

Growth Miracles and Growth Disasters

The Importance of Institutions


Chapter 8: Unemployment (PE CH. 21)


The Economics of Choosing the Right Career

Defining the Unemployment Rate

Is Unemployment Undercounted?

Labor Force Participation


Chapter 9: Inflation (PE CH. 22)


Zimbabwe and Hyperinflation: Who Wants to Be a Trillionaire?

Measuring Inflation

Costs of Inflation: Price Confusion and Money Illusion

Costs of Inflation: Financial Intermediation Failure


Chapter 12: The Keynesian Perspective (PE CH. 25)


Sticky Wages


Chapter 14: Money and Banking (PE CH. 27)


Saving and Borrowing

The U.S. Money Supplies

The Money Multiplier


Chapter 15: Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation (PE CH. 28)


Monetary Policy and the Fed

How the Fed Worked: Before the Great Recession

How the Fed Works: After the Great Recession

The Federal Reserve as Lender of Last Resort

When the Fed Does Too Much


Chapter 17: Government Budgets and Fiscal Policy (PE CH. 30)


Introduction to Fiscal Policy

The Limits of Fiscal Policy


Chapter 18: The Impacts of Government Borrowing (PE CH. 31)


Fiscal Policy and Crowding Out


Chapter 20: International Trade (PE CH. 33)


The Big Ideas of Trade

Comparative Advantage

Another Look at Comparative Advantage

SUPPLEMENTAL: Comparative Advantage Homework


Chapter 21: Globalization and Protectionism (PE CH. 34)


Tariffs and Protectionism

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