seiferte's picture

Adding to Messrs. Heckscher and Ohlin (and Rybczynski, Stolper, and Samuelson) on the demand side of things?


seiferte's picture

My immediate thought, with no further analysis, was that the point made in the video (that trade would lead to less diversity inter-culturally, and more intra-culturally) may be likened to factor prices and specialization in the Factor-Price-Equalization Theorem (some folks attribute FPE to Paul Samuelson, others to Bertil Ohlin - while it seems to be generally accepted that Abba Lerner developed it earlier, independently of the other two).

But it doesn't add up intra-culturally. In FPE the factor prices will move towards each other in each country - the dearer becoming cheaper and vice versa (and "double vice versa" in the other country). With the culture, diversity is increased within each country.

Still, I think, that the video may illustrate a demand-side version of FPE - that tastes and preferences will become less diverse, or diverging, inter-culturally as a result of trade (the respective indifference curves of the two countries will move towards each other). This development should lead to more trade and more factor-price equalization, solely on account of the changes in demand (adding to the supply-side effects of FPE).

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