Teacher Resources

Law of Demand Lesson Plan


See Lesson Plan

See Answer Key

This 45-minute interactive lesson (in Google-Docs format) introduces the Law of Demand by engaging students with the media they use everyday, like our short instructional video on the demand curve.

But that's not the only way this lesson connects the demand curve to your students' lives: with current events, graphing exercises, and interactive games, this lesson keeps your students on their toes from the moment the bell rings to the time they turn in their exit ticket.

And of course, this step-by-step lesson has everything you need to use it immediately, including activity sheets, Google slides, and answer key. We also add ways for you to tailor the lesson to your class by providing additional resources like assessment questions, teacher tips, and engaging extension activities. And it's part of a 5-day unit on supply, demand, and equilibrium that is also chock full of engaging activities! Access it here.

Key economic concepts: quantity demanded, price, demand schedule, demand curve, law of demand, substitutes

Want the full unit on supply, demand, and equilibrium? Check it out here!


See Lesson Plan

See Answer Key

Resource Details

Academic Level

High School


45 minutes


  • CEE Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics (Standard 8: Benchmark 12:1)


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5 + 5 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Scott Giacobbi's picture

Thanks for this well-conceived, timely and relevant lesson plan. I will follow-up with more direct feedback when I use it in my 12th grade general econ courses.

MEME LORD's picture

Thanks for the resources (╬▔皿▔)╯:D

Tom Novot's picture

Thanks for the great lesson.

Edward Lee's picture

Looks Great Thanks