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Valentine's Day Edition: Change in Demand vs. Change in Quantity Demanded Interactive Practice


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New interactive practice tool: Have your students test their knowledge of the difference between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded with festive examples. Perfect to use when you’re teaching demand or just having your students review old concepts (interleaving works!). And if you're just not in the mood, here's the classic version.

Looking for more Valentine's Day themed resources? 

New Zoom backgrounds

I love econ: Give your students the not-so-subliminal message that you love econ and they should too!

Recommended pairings: candy hearts, our video, or any lesson using supply and demand as a starting point.

The Aalsmeer flower market: This market in the Netherlands sells 20 million flowers a day in one of the largest buildings on Earth!

Recommended pairings: flowers, our video (more below), or any lesson about prices, specialization, trade, etc.


I, Rose: An econ love story

A rose by any other name would still be a perfect example to illustrate the miracle of prices, trade, and specialization! Our video captures this extraordinary tale about this ordinary item.

Every Valentine’s Day, fresh flowers are given as gifts in frigid places like Chicago and Anchorage but they didn’t start there. No sir. These jet-setting flowers were first grown in a warm-weather country and then shipped to the Netherlands for a quick auction before making their way to a flower shop near you.

Talk about an example of markets at work! (And yes, our Zoom background above is a perfect complement to this video.)

Want to learn even more? Check out our follow-up video on prices where Alex, with the help of an invisible hand, decides what to get his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day.


Econ Potpourri

These are some great Vday-themed econ resources from around the web.

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Academic Level

High School or University

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