Externalities and Public Goods Unit Plan!

Teach externalities and public goods with this free 5-day unit plan that uses videos, interactive games, real-world examples, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques.

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Fiscal Policy Unit Plan!

Teach fiscal policy with this free 4-day unit plan that features our awesome videos, real-world data, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques.

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New Interactive Practice: Fiscal Policy Slot Machine

Have your students play the Fiscal Policy Slot Machine! This interactive activity uses real-world examples to demonstrate that fiscal policy isn’t infallible and can often go wrong.

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New Interactive Practice: Types of Goods

What type of good is this? In this interactive, identify whether a good is private, public, a club good, or a common resource based on whether the good is rival and/or excludable.

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Supply, Demand, and
Equilibrium Unit Plan!

Enhance your teaching of supply and demand with two additional days, now offering a full week of engaging videos, games, and interactive exercises!

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Intro to Globalization Unit Plan!

Teach globalization with this free 3-day unit plan that features our awesome videos, real-world data, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques.

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Price Ceilings and Floors Unit Plan!

Teach price ceilings and price floors with this free three-day unit plan that uses videos, interactive games, real-world examples, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques.

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New Interactive Practice: Graph a Supply Curve

Help your students understand the basics of building a supply and demand graph! They'll learn to label the price and quantity axes, then practice using a supply schedule to draw a supply curve. 

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Monetary Policy Unit Plan!

Teach monetary policy with this free five-day unit plan that uses videos, interactive games, real-world examples, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques.

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New Interactive Practice: Federal Reserve: Dual Mandate

How does a change in the administered rate filter out through the rest of the economy? In this interactive, see how the Fed hopes to influence the economy in theory through an interest rate change. Real-life cases are then shown to emphasize the difference between theory and reality.

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New Interactive Practice: Market for Reserves (Limited)

Use the reserve market model to understand how the Federal Reserve can influence the Fed Funds Rate in the limited reserve environment.

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Elasticity of Supply: Do Gun Buybacks Work?

What happens when a new buyer enters a market with a perfectly elastic supply curve? A supply and demand graph tells the tale: the quantity sold increases, without impacting the equilibrium price.

In this new Principles of Microeconomics video, Alex Tabarrok uses this elasticity model to explore the real-world effects of local gun buybacks in the US.

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Elasticity of Supply: Why Housing is Unaffordable

Why are houses and apartments so expensive in some big cities? In this new Principles of Microeconomics video, Alex Tabarrok uses the elasticity of supply to explain why prices are soaring in some urban hotspots.

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Opportunity Cost and Tradeoffs

Opportunity cost and tradeoffs are two fundamental concepts from economics and they are all around us. In this new Principles of Microeconomics video, Tyler Cowen shares the definition of opportunity cost: the value of your next best alternative.

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New Interactive Practice: Graph a Demand Curve

Help your students understand the basics of building a supply and demand graph! They'll learn to label the price and quantity axes, then practice using a demand schedule to draw a demand curve.

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Intro to Economics Unit Plan!

Do you teach high school economics? This free five-day unit plan uses videos, interactive games, real-world examples, Google slides, and science-of-learning techniques to introduce economics to your students.

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Career Readiness and Budgeting for the Age of AI Unit Plan!

Do you teach high school economics? This free five-day unit plan uses videos, interactive games, real-world data, Google slides, LLMs, and science-of-learning techniques to help your students understand how to choose a career in a globalizing and automating world.

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New Interactive Practice: Price Ceilings

What are the effects of a price ceiling? This set of interactive questions uses engaging examples to help students identify changes in consumer and producer surplus on a supply and demand graph due to a price ceiling.

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New Interactive Practice: Price Floors

What are the effects of a price floor? This set of interactive questions uses engaging examples to help students identify changes in consumer and producer surplus on a supply and demand graph due to a price floor.

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New Interactive Practice: Consumer and Producer Surplus

How are consumers and producers affected by changes in market prices? This set of interactive questions helps students identify changes in consumer and producer surplus on a supply and demand graph.

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Money & Inflation Unit Plan!

Do you teach high school economics? This six-day unit plan introduces inflation to students with a variety of interactive exercises and real-life examples.

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New Interactive Practice: International Trade with Tariffs

Who gains and who loses from a tariff? This interactive helps students understand changes in consumer and producer surplus due to a tariff.

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New Interactive Practice: Calculating Inflation

When adjusting for inflation, were Air Jordans actually cheaper back in the day? Have your students practice calculating inflation with real-world examples and rapid feedback.

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Josh Angrist: Did You Drive for Uber?

Josh Angrist has worn many hats: MIT professor, ‘Metrics Master, Nobel Laureate, Uber Driver…

You read that right – Josh used to drive for Uber! Find out why in this fun Q&A video, where he explores some lessons learned from his on-the-ground research.

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The Top 5 News Articles & Media by Topic

Check out the best videos, podcasts, and news articles that we have found to teach topics like supply and demand, inflation, and more!

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Play Economics: The Top Five Economics Games (In-Person)

We surveyed economics teachers around the world, and here are their favorite in-person games (e.g., you play them "live" in-class) for economics classes!

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New Assessment Questions!

It’s almost midterm time! Are you ready? Whether you’re looking for ways to gauge students on their knowledge of supply and demand, GDP, or international trade, we have you covered!

Our questions are high quality and only accessible to verified educators. ✅

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The Demand Curve Shifts

What are the factors that cause the demand curve to shift to the left or to the right? What does it mean when demand shifts? This video looks at real-world examples of some important demand shifters.

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