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Texas High School Economics Teaching Resources
Most Popular Resources
Unit Plan
Interactive Practice
- Graph a Demand Curve
- Shift in Supply or Demand
- Holiday Edition: Shifts in Supply or Demand
- Shifts in Both Supply and Demand Curves
- Change in Supply vs. Change in Quantity Supplied
- Change in Demand vs. Quantity Demanded
- Change in Demand vs. Quantity Demanded (Valentine’s Day edition)
- Consumer and Producer Surplus
- Price Floors
- Price Ceilings
- The Demand Curve
- The Supply Curve
- The Equilibrium Price and Quantity
- Exploring Equilibrium
- Markets Link the World
- A Deeper Look at the Demand Curve
- The Demand Curve Shifts
- Change in Demand vs. Change in Quantity Demanded
- A Deeper Look at the Supply Curve
- The Supply Curve Shifts
- Supply and Demand Terminology
- Does the Equilibrium Model Work?
- Elasticity of Supply: Why Housing is Unaffordable
Unit Plan
Interactive Practice
- The Big Ideas of Trade
- Division of Labor: Burgers and Ships
- Comparative Advantage and the Tragedy of Tasmania
- How the Division of Knowledge Saved My Son's Life
- Tariffs and Protectionism
- Arguments Against International Trade
- Avengers: The Story of Globalization
- Are There Winners and Losers of Globalization?
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- Introduction to the Competitive Firm
- Maximizing Profit Under Competition
- Maximizing Profit and the Average Cost Curve
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Increasing Costs
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Constant Costs
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Decreasing Costs
- Maximizing Profit Under Monopoly
- Office Hours: Calculating Monopoly Profit
- The Monopoly Markup
- The Costs and Benefits of Monopoly
Unit Plan
Interactive Practice
- What’s Included in GDP?
- Holiday Edition: What’s Included in GDP?
- Winners and Losers of Inflation
- Calculating Inflation
- What Is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
- Nominal vs. Real GDP
- Splitting GDP
- Real GDP Per Capita and the Standard of Living
- Basic Facts of Wealth
- Intro to Business Fluctuations
- Defining the Unemployment Rate
- Is Unemployment Undercounted?
- Frictional Unemployment
- Structural Unemployment
- Cyclical Unemployment
- Labor Force Participation
- Natural Rate of Unemployment
- Quantity Theory of Money
- Causes of Inflation
- Zimbabwe and Hyperinflation: Who Wants to Be a Trillionaire?
- Measuring Inflation
- Costs of Inflation: Price Confusion and Money Illusion
- Costs of Inflation: Financial Intermediation Failure
- Inflation Throughout the Ages: What Would You Do?
- The Hockey Stick of Human Prosperity
- Basic Facts of Wealth
- Growth Rates Are Crucial
- An Orgy of Innovation
- Growth Miracles and Growth Disasters
- The Importance of Institutions
- Geography and Economic Growth
- The Puzzle of Growth
- The Economics of Ideas
- Patents, Prizes, and Subsidies
- Avengers: The Story of Globalization
- Creative Destruction: Technology and Trade
Unit Plan
Interactive Practice
- Monetary Policy and the Fed
- The U.S. Money Supplies
- The Money Multiplier
- How the Fed Worked: Before the Great Recession
- Open Market Operations
- Federal Funds Rate
- How the Fed Works: After the Great Recession
- The Federal Reserve as Lender of Last Resort
- Monetary Policy: The Best Case Scenario
- Monetary Policy: The Negative Real Shock Dilemma
- When the Fed Does Too Much
- Econ Duel: Fiat Money vs. the Gold Standard
Unit Plan
Interactive Practices
- Graphing Negative Externalities
- Graphing Positive Externalities
- Unintended Consequences
- Types of Goods
Lesson Plan
- What are Negative Externalities
- Pigouvian Taxes
- What Are Positive Externalities
- Pigouvian Subsidies
- Command and Control Solutions
- The Coase Theorem
- Trading Pollution
- A Deeper Look at Tradable Allowances
- Externalities and Incentives: The Economics of COVID
- Public Goods and Asteroid Defense
- A Deeper Look at Public Goods
- The Tragedy of the Commons
Unit Plan
Interactive Practices
- Fiscal Policy Slot Machine
- Guess the Government Expenditures
- Guess the Tax Revenue
- Guess the Tax Revenue by Income Quintile
Lesson Plan
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